Message from the Board and Superintendent
Welcome - Indigenous Education
Schools throughout Chinook's Edge are working to respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada's Calls to Action, as they pertain to work in schools. In doing so, we honour our Indigenous students and families, while building on our staff's foundational knowledge and understanding of the history, culture and contributions of Indigenous Canadians. We fully support Alberta Education's commitment to the inclusion of Indigenous history into curriculum and we embrace this work on a daily basis. To us, this is key to our priority of ensuring each student has a secure and caring place in our schools.
As we work with our staff to ensure they have the knowledge and understanding to meaningfully embed Indigenous education into their lessons, we also want our students and families to know that we acknowledge the history, culture and contributions of all Indigenous Canadians. This is a priority for our entire division, because we truly support the process of reconciliation.
Holly Bilton, Board Chair
Kurt Sacher, Superintendent of Schools