The nine elected Trustees on the Chinook’s Edge Board work to ensure that Chinook’s Edge remains the school division ‘where students come first’. School Board Trustees are politicians who are elected by and accountable to the community – they are the voice of the community. School Boards have the authority to make strategic decisions regarding public education in their jurisdiction. School Boards help shape the future of local communities by governing the education of young people. Trustees are elected every four years, are entrusted with the care and education of children, and are accountable to parents and the larger community.
Holly Bilton, Board Chair

Ward 4 – Innisfail
Phone: 403-391-2321
Email: hbilton@cesd73.ca
I have spent several years assisting young people with career development opportunities, and am very pleased to now be serving Chinook’s Edge students as trustee for Innisfail. My husband and I live on a farm east of Innisfail that has been in the Bilton family since the late 1800s. I sit on several committees and work hard to create partnerships that benefit learners. It is important to me to serve on the Board of Trustees because I want to make a difference for my community, because I believe in high quality education, and because I want to see our youth succeed.
Jackie Swainson

Ward 1 – Sylvan Lake
Phone: 403-588-2446
Email: jswainson@cesd73.ca
I have a passion for creating great learning foundations for all of our children and youth. Being a Trustee is a way I can give back to the community. My husband and I have had six children grow up in Sylvan Lake and attend Chinook's Edge schools, where they were very well prepared for future success by our dedicated teachers and school staff. Thank you for all you do! Now nine of our grandchildren are in our community schools and I am still very invested in ensuring quality education. Feel free to contact me.
Sherry Cooper

Ward 2 – Penhold / Poplar Ridge
Phone: 403-886-5191
Email: scooper@cesd73.ca
I am proud to serve the families of Penhold and Poplar Ridge. My family has lived in Penhold for over 20 years. My three children were well served by Chinook's Edge during their school years and I'm happy to contribute my time to this great school division and to my community. I believe strongly in elected trusteeship, in partnerships and collaboration, in cost efficient management, and in listening to students and parents.
De Anne Hutchison, Vice Chair

Ward 3 – Delburne / Elnora
Phone: 403-304-4780
Email: dhutchison@cesd73.ca
I am very proud to be the Trustee for Delburne and Elnora. I grew up in this area and have three children who currently attend Delburne Centralized School. I have volunteered on various boards in my community and within the school, and believe the school is at the heart of any community. I have a degree in Community Rehabilitation and Disability studies which has provided me the opportunity to have worked in educational and human service settings for over 23 years. I believe in lifelong learning and recognize that this journey begins with a solid educational experience throughout a student’s grade school years. I look forward to representing my community for the next 4 years.
Linda Wagers

Ward 5 – Bowden / Spruce View
Phone: 403-746-3474
Email: lwagers@cesd73.ca
I grew up on a farm west of Innisfail and now live near Spruce View. In my 31 years of teaching, I enjoyed the opportunity to work with students from grade 3 to 12 and I taught all curricular subjects with the exception of Humanities. As well, I have worked in K-12 schools and non-traditional teaching roles (Outreach, Career High, Academy-On-Line, including homeschool visits). Along with my educational qualifications (B.ED, B.Sc, and Bus Admin), I was actively involved at the provincial level with both the ATA and Alberta Education. Professional Development has been a passion and I have been a strong advocate for lifelong learning among my colleagues. I miss teaching now that I'm retired, but I have enjoyed visiting schools and interacting with students in my role as School Board Trustee.
Terry Leslie

Ward 6 – Sundre
Phone: 403-559-7352
Email: tleslie@cesd73.ca
I am very excited to bring my experience in learning and in governance to the Board. I had the privilege of teaching in Chinook’s Edge, and Mountain View County before amalgamation, for over 33 years. I was part of the school community in both Sundre and Olds, including Vice Principal and Principal roles. I have served my beautiful community of Sundre on Town Council for 19 years and held the role of Mayor for the last two terms. I am happy to focus on the important role of Trustee for Sundre, on my wonderful marriage of 43 years to Debra, and on my grown children and grandchildren - some of whom are attending our schools in Sundre.
Kathy Kemmere

Ward 7 – Olds / Reed Ranch
Phone: 403-994-3364
Email: kkemmere@cesd73.ca
I have a passion for supporting people of all ages, which has led me through 38 years in health care, and supported my drive for better hospice palliative care and bereavement support in rural communities. My husband Al and I have lived northeast of Olds for over 40 years. I was active in schools as our three children attended and graduated school in Olds, and now our grandchildren are attending these same schools. I am excited for my role as Trustee for Olds/Reed Ranch, where my interest and care for people will continue and I can support the system that helps create our leaders of tomorrow.
Gordon Kerr

Ward 8 – Didsbury
Phone: 403-994-0278
Email: gkerr@cesd73.ca
I am currently in my fourth term as Trustee for Didsbury and area, and have made Didsbury our home for over 20 years. I have been very fortunate to be able to raise our family here as well as to work locally. I am constantly in contact with people looking to move to this area and they ask me why Didsbury is a good choice. I am able to tell them with confidence that it is a wonderful community to raise a family with great schools, wonderful teachers and caring staff here and throughout Chinook's Edge.
Melissa Copley, Second Vice Chair

Ward 9 – Carstairs / Cremona
Phone: 587-585-3646
Email: mcopley@cesd73.ca
I am very excited for my second term, and for what the next four years will bring for all of Chinook’s Edge School Division. Over the past term, the learning and growth has inspired me to continue this journey. My husband and I have lived in Carstairs the past 16 years and specifically chose this community to raise our children. I am honoured that this community selected me as their voice and will do my best to represent our area and rural Alberta. Education is a lifelong journey. I am proud that my children are starting their journey in Chinook’s Edge and that I can be an integral part of shaping education for them and all the children of our communities.