Bowden Grandview School Website
Carstairs Elementary School Website
Hugh Sutherland School Website
Neudorf Colony School
Delburne Centralized School Website
École John Wilson Elementary School Website
Innisfail High School Website
Innisfail Middle School Website
Rainbow Colony School
Reed Ranch School Website
École Deer Meadow School Website
École Olds Elementary School Website
École Olds High School Website
May City Colony School
Olds Koinonia Christian School Website
Jessie Duncan Elementary School Website
Penhold Crossing Secondary School Website
Penhold Elementary School Website
Pine Hill Colony School
Poplar Ridge School Website
Spruce View School Website
Beacon Hill Elementary School Website
C. P. Blakely Elementary School Website
École Fox Run School Website
École H. J. Cody High School Website
École Steffie Woima Elementary School Website

Annual student attendance calendars

Christian Education

Olds Koinonia Christian School (OKCS) is a K-12 school of approximately 360 students situated between the communities of Olds and Didsbury, Alberta. 

Faith-based school of choice
OKCS is a school of choice within Chinook's Edge School Division, allowing families a faith-based option for their child's education.

OKCS mandate
The school's mandate is to assist the Christian family, in cooperation with local non-denominational, Evangelical, and Protestant churches, in training their children intellectually, physically, socially and spiritually toward maturity and responsible independence. Biblical studies consist of monthly scripture memory, weekly chapel, and regular Bible classes, while all classes are taught from an evangelical point of view. 

In-person and online learning streams
In-person learning has been the primary focus of OKCS. However, it has recently started a new online learning program that allows students in Grades 1-12 the flexibility to learn from home and attend in-person activities 1.5 days a week. Students in both streams have access to extracurricular activities and programs, including dual credit opportunities. 

What OKCS has to offer
Academic success is a priority, and provincial testing results have been excellent at all levels.

Athletic teams at OKCS have also been very successful over the years, resulting in several Zone and League championships and many opportunities for teams to attend provincials at the senior high level. Our sports program includes golf, cross-country running, volleyball, basketball, badminton, handball, and track and field. 

Transportation to OKCS
Several bus routes allow for transportation to OKCS from across the division. (Exceptions apply- contact the school for more information).

Register at OKCS 
Registration information can be found on the OKCS website. Click here.