Staff Health & Wellness

Elisa Jackson, Staff Health & Wellness Coordinator

Welcome! At Chinook's Edge School Division, it is our goal to embrace environments that support health and wellness, empowering all staff to thrive as compassionate, healthy and well balanced individuals.

Chinook's Edge has a dedicated Staff Health and Wellness Coordinator - click for details.

Listed below you will find sources of support provided within CESD, as well as links to external supports and resources.


How CESD Supports Staff Health & Wellness

Celebrating Chinook's Edge Bulletins

Health & Wellness Poster Series

Staff Mental Health Education Series

Discounts for CESD Staff

Inkblot (Employee & Family Assistance Program)


Alberta Health Services

Our Staff Health & Wellness Champions

  • Beacon Hill - Jeanne Rasmussen
  • Bowden Grandview -  Linda Sietzema, Amy Severtson, Lori Tinnion
  • CP Blakely - Melanie Condratow, Breanne Watt 
  • Carstairs Elementary - Kari Wayne, Darien Arther
  • Colony Schools - Sandra Wijesinghe
  • Cremona School - Chelsea Sheppard, Suzanne Kempster, Tyson Youngs
  • Deer Meadow - Tanya Clattenburg
  • Delburne Centralized School - Courtney Biggs
  • Didsbury High - Cassandra Buck, Lucia Sherban
  • Division Office - Elisa Jackson, Shelah Medak, Brianne Lattery 
  • Elnora School - Stacey Hoppins
  • Fox Run - Cody Baker
  • HJ Cody - Jamie Fisher
  • Horizon - Lexi Siemens, Naomi Langstraat
  • Hugh Sutherland - Madeline Cooper
  • Innisfail Jr/Sr High - Allison Bodreau
  • Innisfail Middle - Pat Adams, Paige Greenwood
  • Jessie Duncan - Lacey Vickery
  • John Wilson Elementary- Heidi Nelson
  • Olds Elementary - Sylvia Martens
  • Olds Koinonia Christian School -  Sarah Paulsen
  • Penhold Crossing Secondary - Jeff Anderson
  • Poplar Ridge - Jasmine Gerski, Darlene Wells
  • Reed Ranch - Kendis Tetzlaff
  • River Valley - Juliane Hennenfent, Lexi Hammond
  • Ross Ford - Jennifer Bommarito, Tabitha Everett-Powell
  • Spruce View School -  Brett Mallison
  • Steffie Woima - Erin DeRoose
  • Sundre High - Leanne White, Rochelle Roach
  • Westglen - Amanda Bohnet

Tip Sheets

Chinook's Edge School Division: Offline & Connected

CESD is proud to have been invited to participate in a research project conducted by the U of A. Their research focused on how school divisions in Alberta and British Columbia move toward a culture of wellness. This video is one outcome of the research and was generously shared with us by the U of A. It highlights several elements of wellness happening across CESD.

For further information about the video, or Staff Health and Wellness in CESD, please contact Elisa Jackson at