Following in his father's footsteps: Olds high student pursues meat cutting career

École Olds High School student, Connor Sewepegaham, is following in his father’s footsteps, using meat cutting as a way of providing for himself. Sewepegaham is excited that after applying several times, his persistence paid off and he has been accepted into the dual credit program at Olds College of Agriculture and Technology.
Sewepegaham is currently earning a Meat Cutting Certificate. “I have learned a lot about the science of hanging and killing meat,” says Connor Sewepegaham. “For instance, utilizing the whole animal for consumption, learning the tenderness chart, and finding new cuts.”
Sewepegaham says he chose Olds College because "the College is close and there is nothing quite like it."
Sewepegaham says he first found an interest in meat cutting when his dad took him hunting. Sewepegaham’s father is Cree and belongs to the John D'or Prairie Reserve, which is near High Level, Alberta. Of note, his grandfather served as a chief. Sewepegaham’s Dad taught him to hunt, and how to cut meat. “This was something that was important to our family as hunting and game provided for and fed our family,” he says.
The Olds College Meat-Cutting program accepts one to two dual credit students per year. Sewepegaham has persistently applied for admission every year for three years, and during that time built his related experience so he would be ready for the program.
He has completed a work experience placement, arranged and supervised through Olds High, that spanned two years at a meat processing facility, and at a local butcher shop. During those experiences he connected with other meat cutters who took their training through Olds College.
"Be ready, this program is rigorous,” says Sewepegaham to anyone interested in applying. “Take as much training as possible before coming to the program as it will help further your understanding and development".
The program runs for four months and takes commitment. Brad McLeod, the instructor, personally interviews potential dual credit students. His intent is to motivate the students to work hard in school. McLeod says he loves it when young people come into the program with a dream or plan. He often works with students who have limited or no experience, and is happy to help them
develop that.
“We get to watch them open plants, be meat inspectors, sausage makers and see them live their dream and goal, making a living cutting meat and that provides job satisfaction,” says McLeod. “We want our graduates to be leaders, and I see many becoming that.” McLeod tells his students that the meat industry is pretty recession proof, it is for everyone, and is a career path that allows students something to fall back on.
McLeod says, “My advice to students is finish what you started, quitting is not an option, push and
continue, and you will be amazed by the doors that open and the places it will take you."
For Sewepegaham, those dreams include owning his own meat shop one day. In the meantime, he wants to use meat cutting skills to support himself and possibly travel abroad.
Dual credit programming allows students to earn credits at the high school level and post-secondary level at the same time. Chinook’s Edge has seen high levels of success with students participating in dual credit learning, with almost100 per cent of dual credit learners graduating from
high school.